Hetzer Tank Upgrades and Tips

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DeSimone's Hetzer Tank Upgrades and Tips 

DeSimone's Prototype Hetzer Tank Model

All pictures below are thumbnails except for the Gun Shield Template.  To see larger images click on the pictures.

Click on these links to see the Hetzer projects!

Steve Charpentier's (treadhead99) Project

SgtRandune's Hetzer Project

Thetoysurgeon's Hetzer

Wehrmacht54's Hetzer

Duralumin's Hetzer

Goobikza's Hetzer

MDEEVL's Hetzer

Heinrichss Hetzer Project

Panzerwerk's Hetzer Project

G.I. Biff's Hetzer

Mein Krieg's Hetzer

BadLandsBrett Hetzer

Captain Zuzu's Hetzer and crew

Panzer45's Hetzer

KDf's Hetzer

Tigercruemans JD Hetzer

Wolfpaw518's Hetzer

Bigdee's Hetzer


The Hetzers below did not have enough content to warrant a separate webpage.  However, are still great projects!

Mac's Hetzer

Here are 4 pics of what I did to mine. The MG 34 makes it look less plain Jane. I used the Cajun GI Joe axle modification too.

Click on picture for larger image

Greg Miller's Hetzer

I am still working on the hetzer, I have a couple of things I want to add yet.  The jack block on the front fender, the tool box on the back fender, an antennae, some tools and the light on the front.  I am also getting a couple of strips of the track to cutup and use as spare track.

Click on picture for larger image

CastilloJ7 (Jose)'s Hetzer 

Click on picture for larger image


The first upgrade you should consider is adding axels to your new DeSimone Hetzer.  Here is a link for this upgrade:

Cajun GIJoe's Axel Upgrade

Click on picture for larger image

Hetzer Remote Controlled M.G.

John's Stuff website (mentioned by Sgt. Randune)

obiwan@wctel.net Email address for TheToySurgeon.  I must say I rarely use casting customizers because I can make most of what I need.  But I did a deal with Dennis and he didn't disappoint me despite the size of my order.  I got it pretty quickly, it was high quality stuff.  He is making tracks, wheels and a couple other accessories for the Hetzer upgrades.  Email him, he's a great guy.

Want to buy one of these bad boys?  Email James DeSimone at:


Immortus32's Machine Gun shield template.  For Window IE users you can save this template by right clicking on the picture and selecting 'Save Picture As'. 
The overall length of the template is 180 mm.  You might have to do some enlarge/reduce on a copy machine to get it just right.

Click on picture for larger image

Steve Charpentier's (treadhead99) Side Skirt Templates
Because of the size of these templates I had to reduce the size of the templates.  Click on the images to make them larger then print them out and enlarge them to the dimensions shown.  Or just use the dimensions I posted.  I used a metric ruler as I can get more accurate measurements.

Click on picture for larger image