All pictures below are thumbnails, click on them for larger images
The running gears are from Panzerwerk! Makes the tank looks totally better. I turned the tracks on the other side and
it does looks better too since they fitted with the teeth on the idle wheels.
Beside the running gears and spare tracks from Panzerwerk, everything else was from Home Depot, Michael's, a piece of
styrene with paper clips and labor I even went to Panzerwerk's house to pick up the gears and to meet him (not to save shiping
cost, right!!!!). Very wonderful guy and of course he has no children; otherwise, we won't be able to get any of these goodies.
About the mantlet, I cut out the front armor piece at angle toward the front to save as much round shape from the hull
as posible. Using styrene and bondo to bring the round shape even more at front of the hull. It is not round all the way (I
do not care about what I can not see). For the armor piece, I dremeled away the inside so thin the you can see thru the roromold
material. That way, I can put the armor piece over the front of the hull to cover it to make it looks like two pieces. I drilled
a hole at the hull to match the same level with the gun and pushed the gun thru the armor piece and the hull. The gun is the
main thing that holds the pieces together.