This is my Kelly figure. I used the Dragon figure and the likeness is much better without his helmet on, but as
you can tell doesn't look much like him with the helmet. There are far better after market heads, but again, they usually
mold the trademark hair style that is Clint Eastwood and that makes it nearly impossible to fit a helmet on his head.
"Well, if you were looking for a young boy, you should have sent somebody else, Joe. "

This "Big Joe" Telly Savalas head is a dead ringer for him. It's made by Sideshow from the 007 series Blofield
figure. Only problem is the noggin is so big I can only fit the helmet on him without a liner.
"Look, Mulligan! I don't think I'm getting through to you! You're dropping your damn barrage on our position! The reason
you can't hear me is because you're firing your mortars at your end, and they're dropping here, on our end! No, the Krauts
are not here! We're here! Mulligan, your bombs are coming down on our head! I don't know where the Krauts are! Just lift your
goddamn barrage! Over! "

The Hippie Tank Commander. Oddball. Who didn't love this character? Donald Sutherland couldn't have
portrayed him any better.
"Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say
something righteous and hopeful for a change? "

Crapgame. The black marketeer. Don Rickles is the master of the insult and he didn't hold back in this movie.
Pvt. Cowboy: God almighty, you guys smell like you fell into a dung heap! Crapgame: Reminds you of home, don't it? Pvt. Willard: [ to Pvt. Cowboy] Kinda does, don't it, old buddy?

Moriarity, Oddball's master mechanic. His one major line that everyone remembers, "Crap!"