Lady Victoria Sterling |

Joe Masterson, Cowboy and hired hand |

Rex the Polish Adventurer |

Captain Randolf Hillstone |

Dupree LaMonte, Archeologist/Naturalist |

Yuri, the Russian Adventurer |

Tad, The Traveling Adventure Dude |

Viktor Meyers, Roving traveler and ex-soldier |

Matthew McKenzie, Canadian Big Game Hunter |

Sheri Nordmann, Field Assistant to Dupree LaMonte |
Victoria Sterling
Although she is from a prominate family in England. Calling
her 'Lady' Sterling is a stretch. The token female in the group, she is allowed on expeditions mostly because her
estate funds many of them. As you can tell she isn't very modest, but also is more than ready to handle her share. Doesn't
want to come anywhere close to a 'housewife' and lives for the adventures. She has close ties with the British Army and is
usually accompanied by an ex-British Army officer, Captain Hillstone.
Joe Masterson
A Texan from the United
States. Believes in LOTS of firepower and getting the fight over in a hurry.
Joe likes the adventures, but is in it
purely for that, has little or no interest in the goal of the expeditions. Hired on with Yuri while they were touring
Europe, Joe now spends a great deal of time seeking adventure.
Rex the Polish Adventurer.
If there ever was an all around explorer or adventurer, Rex is the
one. Rex is ready for any expedition anywhere. He is facinated with exploration and the lure of fame and riches.
Well skilled in the outdoors, Rex is also on contract with at least three zoos world wide to
capture and locate exotic animals.
Captain Randolf Hillstone
Most of the other members know him as simply "Captain". Where
ever Lady Sterling goes, Captain Hillstone won't be far behind.
Considered to be Lady Sterling's indentured assistant, the Captain
was once on the personal staff of Major General Sterling during The War to End All Wars. During a German counter artillery
barrage, Sterling's forward Command Post took by a direct hit. Captain Hillstone was the first one to reach Major General
Sterling's side, but the General was mortally wounded. Captain Hillstone tearfully agreed to the General's last request
to look after his daughter.
After the war, Captain Hillstone resigned his commission and retired
to take on the job of raising Victoria Sterling.
Dupree LaMonte
The French archeologist and naturalist. Doesn't much care
for the adventure part of it but is always looking for plants, animals and digging around interesting sites. Sometimes
the focal point of the expeditions if they involve finding something such as ruins or rare plants and animals. Dupree
sometimes is totally focused on the task at hand and doesn't really notice what's going on around him. Rex the Polish
Adventurer tends to make it his 'job' to watch after Dupree.
Yuri, the Russian Adventurer
Yuri was an ex-Russian Imperial Army soldier during the 'War to end all Wars'. Russia
quickly fell to Germany early in the war and then into civil war. Disillusioned with the Army, Yuri struck off on his
own and in the great western plains of the United States met up with Joe Masterson. The two became inseparable.
Later Yuri and Joe were working with Wild Bill Cody's Wild West Show and toured Europe where the two of them met up with Lady
Sterling and Captain Hillstone. Coming under Lady Sterling's employ, they formed an Adventurer's Company and later franchised
out with the Adventure Team Expeditionary Force.
Tad, The Traveling Adventure Dude
On visit from another ATEF command, Tad still managed to get a lot of adventuring
in with Lady Sterling's Team. You can see Tad's adventures at his site, http://uc_tad.tripod.com/
Viktor Meyers
Born, raised and educated
in Germany. He was
an accountant for Krupp munitions plant, but after being inducted in the Army during the 'War to end all Wars' and
suffering morale problems during the great defeat, Viktor decided it was time to leave Germany and rethink his purpose in
life. Disillusioned with his job and seeing all the suffering and destruction his company had wrought on the battlefield,
Viktor didn't want to return to his accounting job or his former life in Germany, so he struck off to discover the world.
It was only by chance he ran into Rex in a bar in France. Rex was so impressed with Viktor's desire to strike out and
see the world that he offered him a position on the team.
Viktor really didn't want to hook up with others quite yet, but
decided he would get much further working for the ATEF than living off his own expenses. Rex offered him a chance to
be an 'ambassador' for our team and his first assignment will be to visit Thom's team in Texas.
Matthew McKenzie
Learned to hunt game at an early age and used to hunt with his father
to help feed the family. He left his family as a teenager and headed off to the big city to make his fortune.
Now head of Glacier Industries Mr. McKenzie has become independently wealthy and sometimes finances his own expeditions.
Never quite able to get over the call of the wild he still goes off on safari from time to time. McKenzie
met up with the Adventure Team on his way to Asia during a stop over in England at a local pub. A few
lagers later he didn't remember anything, but woke up with an Adventure Team ID card in his pocket and still wearing his traveling
clothes. He vaguely recalls something to do with a dish call 'Haggis' but would rather not think about it.
Sheri Nordmann
Field assistant to Dupree La Monte. Sheri has been working
with Dupree for some time. Rumor has it Rex and Sheri are somewhat of an 'item', but you know how rumors start on those
expeditions! Sheri started as a student in one of Professor La Monte's classes in Paris but soon became an intern on
his field excursions. She accompanies him on all his expeditions now and is more important to his work than any other.
Sheri was born in Sweden and traveled to France to attend the university there specifically to learn about archeology under
Professor La Monte.