The group photo above was my second try at doing a squad of Japanese Army Soldiers. My first attempt was with old
Formative figures and everything for them had to be hand made, that being back in 1998. This was my second round using
mostly a mix of Dragon and 21st Century bodies. Now there was much more available although some pieces like some of
the machine guns are still custom made pieces. This group shot is a wide mix of companies and customizers. Cotswold,
Hasbro, 21st Century Toys, Brian Vota and others all mixed together and kitbashed. Today I have upgraded with alot of
stuff from BBi, Auggie Romero at Battlegear Toys and at least one figure with New Line Miniature boots from Graham.
Although new Japanese Army stuff is very slow in coming I am sure there will be more coming in the future.
I may not be done yet!

This was my first attempt at a Japanese tank commander (above). At the time I made this there was
very little research material to go by. I had to ad lib a bit in the interpetation.
As you can see in the picture below. I was able to substancially improve on this figure as more reference/research
material became available.

This is an IJA soldiers done with Battlegear Toys uniform and hat. New line Miniatures boots,
BBi rifle/leggings and canteen. There is a good mix of quality gear in this figure.

August 2005 - This is a custom done using Battlegear Toys latest IJA uniform with improved (and real working ones too)
buttons. Also BGT backpack and tent as well. The detailing on these items are pretty incredible. Boots,
rifle, ammo pouches and canteen are BBi. The rice container is an old 21st Century Toys German Mess Kit that I repainted,
reworked and added a new working strap on it. The shovel is a DML shovel with the blade trimmed to resemble the Japanese
Army shovel.
How to Tie Japanese Leg Wraps (Click on this link)
Try this link to see my Custom Type 97 Light Tank