9/22/04 - German
crewed T-34 (captured)
This is a piece I started last Friday 9/17
for a friend requesting a unique item... It is a DeSimone T-34/76 Model 1941 that the owner wanted painted as a captured vehicle
in German use... He didn't want to spend allot of money so I made do with the stock items and added some scratchbuilt custom
accessories to it...
![Click on picture for larger image](../sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/inxsone1.jpg)
![Click on picture for larger image](../sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/inxsone2.jpg)
Items scratch built: auxiliary fuel tanks, forward hull machinegun, "handhold rails" on turret and hull,
notek light and antenna mount, the top turret hatch was cut open and hinged to make it functional, addition of armor plates
to sides of turret... Custom paint job using Tamiya Acrylics, all insignia are handpainted...
![Click on picture for larger image](../sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/inxsone3.jpg)
left it generally marked so that the owner could use it as Heer, Waffen SS or Luft...
![Click on picture for larger image](../sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/inxsone4.jpg)
![Click on picture for larger image](../sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/inxsone5.jpg)
fuel tanks are made out of PVC piping and sheet styrene, 1 1/2" PVC pipe modified with sheet styrene.
![Click on picture for larger image](../sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/inxsone6.jpg)
million little pin holes appeared after I applied primer paint, but can be fixed by putting on a few thin layers of primer,
and then by the base coat. You still have a little uneven dimpling after (at
least I did) but that gives a good impression of rough steel plate in my opinion which looks great for these tanks.
![Click on picture for larger image](../sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/inxsone7.jpg)