This is my first attempt at creating backgrounds for my custom figures. This is an Aquarium Fish Tank background
I bought at PetCo for about $3.00. With more time, experience and better lighting I ought to be able to create much
better photos as time goes by.
This first picture makes a great picture of either Italy or perhaps the Invasion of Greece. From the later war
uniform I would place this in Italy near some Roman ruins.

This next background in these three pictures I used for my North Africa Italian troops. This is the 'flip' side
of the above background.

This is my Artillery crew posing for a photo. I believe I still have one or two more figures I'm assembling for
this crew, but when I finish I ought be have a nice group here. Later I plan on working on some kind of Artillery piece
for them.

My Italian Blackshirt. Both his rifle and my Colonial Trooper rifles were painted by Philip Garcia.

Captain of the Colonial Troops. The inspiration for this figure came right out of the Osprey book on North African
Italians. I've always wanted to do an officer and this one just sort of came together. The biggest job on this
figure was his cap. I converted a Hasbro US Navy cap into this version of the Italian visor cap that was not regulation
for combat use, but then regulations didn't mean much in the desert. His boots came from Old Joe Infirmary and were
typical European style boots with lace up bottoms. His shoulder boards were custom made by myself.

Bersaglieri Light Machine Gunner

Bersaglieri NCO
