First Mate Billingham pointed an accusing finger at Capt. French. "Why?" he cried.
French shot a cold stare back at him, "if ye know what be good for yer, do not be askin' questions." "The
fewer who knows 'bout the gold, the better".

Joe Masterson brought his horse to a halt. "Victoria, this is the spot." "We are at the top of the cliffs
above the beach, you and Hillstone will have to continue from here while I watch the horses."

As Victoria came out from the cave, Captain Hillstone asked, "So what exactly are we looking for again?".
Victoria grinned, "This isn't it, Randy." (the captain absolutely hated it when she used that nickname and Victoria
knew it) "The map referred to a cave and a rock that Billingham called, 'Table Rock'." "I'm not entirely sure
what that means but it also referred to the cave as being guarded by an innocent soul."

As Hillstone checked the next cave, he shouted back, "What do you suppose this 'innocent soul' is?"

"There were some instructions for that and I've brought the tools to deal with it should the need arise."
"I can't imagine that there could be anything like an 'innocent soul' associated with a pirate crew but there is a logical
reason for it." "Still it was said the First Mate Billingham was a tortured man up to his final days."

Hillstone sat on a nearby rock wiping the sweat from his brow. The shadows were starting to grow long as the
day rolled by. "I don't think we are ever going to find this place Victoria." "We have been up and down the site
all day and we haven't seen anything like you described." "And I imagine that after 200 years this place could
look completely different by now!" " I'm beginning to think it never existed outside of this self-proclaimed pirate's

"Uh, Randy... would you like to bet on that?" "I think we just found our spot."

The cave, the rock and the treasure where right where the old map said it would be. It didn't take long for Captain
Hillstone to dig up the treasure. "Well that's it." concluded the Captain.
"Wait!" Victoria cautioned, "We still have one thing left to to."
And so they buried the remains of the old pirate. He had been guarding this treasure for two centuries and Victoria
didn't want to leave anything to chance. While Captain Hillstone buried the remains of the old pirate, Victoria took
out a hammer and chisel and tapped out this inscription on Table Rock.
Hillstone stood by Victoria and both of them were silent for a moment then Victoria packed up her tools and they prepared
to leave.
"Leave no ghosts behind." she said as they headed back to the horses.