I started with a one page sheet of plans in 1/35th scale purchased from George Bradford by JD Finney. I am building
this vehicle for JD in a trade we have worked out. My first step was to enlarge the plans on a copier to 1/6 scale and
print out as many reference pictures as I could.
Unlike the Vickers Tanks, I will not be making one of these for my collection so all my pictures will be leading
up to the end of the building process. Hopefully after that I will be including a web link to JD Finney's site for final
painting pictures. JD Finney will be doing the final painting and customizing of this vehicle.

Second day at work. I have already cut out the bottom of the Armored Car and started installing panels for the
back and front. It's starting to take shape, but what shape isn't very clear yet. I already am considering problems
that were not apparent at first like how deep the cargo bed is in back! I'll probably have to wing it on that one.
The cool thing about this project is how fast it is going and how much detail I can put on it. More to follow.

Major problem. With pictures of the real thing, it is obvious I am going to have to make some changes to my work
to date. Fortunately the pictures have come early enough to control the damage. I think I can get by without redoing
the front end, but I will definately have to do some chopping on the rear end. I will put this off though until I get
the center section done so the model is strong enough to take all the cutting. At this time I have started working on
the radiator and put up the other side of the engine compartment.

Did some checking with another picture and discovered that Bradford's plans are not that inaccurate at all. Great
news! I don' t have a big chopping project in the works. The work is coming along nicely at the moment.
I have the engine compartment done now and am getting ready to build the crew's compartment next. It's starting to look
like a soap box derby car.

Started working on the storage bed in the back of the vehicle. I am building this part out of wood as I believe
they did in the real vehicle. Most of this vehicle was armored but much of the back appears to have been done from wood.