Steve McQueen in 'The Great Escape' |

The Great Escape was a classic! This figure is straight out of the box from 21st Century Toys. My only criticism
is I don't like the leather clothes 21st does, they are so thick and the zippers are huge. The rest I like. Steve
McQueen comes with a German motorcycle, an MP-40 submachine gun and a choice of two left hands, one gloved and one
gripping hand. He comes with a baseball, but in the movie I believe this was a handball.
Tom Hanks in 'Saving Private Ryan' |

This head has an interesting story. As I understand it, Hasbro was going to come out with a Tom Hanks figure in
time to coinside with the movie release. However, at the last moment Mr. Hanks nixed the project as he didn't like the
headsculpt. What to do with 10,000 heads? I suppose they told their manufacturing plant to dispose of them and
10,000 heads of two types (one clean shaven, one with a beard growth) appeared on the global 'black market' to anybody who
wanted one. I got mine at the 21st Century convention in 2000 for around $10. This figure is truly a kitbash with
stuff from all companies, Hasbro, 21st, Dragon, SOTW and Cotwold Collectibles. I now have my own Captain Miller!
Kirk Douglas |

Dragon is nortorious for doing likenesses of people. However they do not seem to like to purchase rights to do
so. Dragon makes the likenesses or near likenesses then they call them something else or constantly 'hint' on their
website about the figures. This one was obviously Kirk Douglas right down to the dimple on his chin. However as
near as I recall Douglas never played in a movie as a Paratrooper, but I could be wrong. No reference to Mr. Douglas
was done on the packaging. Instead Dragon called this figure, 'Danny'.
James Cogburn in 'The Cross of Iron' |

The Cross of Iron was never that popular a film. It was pretty spectacular though and I remember it fondly as a
war movie. This figure is another Dragon figure straight out of the box and in the tradition of Dragon no reference
was made to the movie or the actor but the figure was called, 'Steiner' and there is little doubt to his identity as they
even gave him the signature captured Russian submachine gun. Sgt. Steiner was the lead character in the movie and if
you get a chance to see The Cross of Iron I highly recommend it.
Jude Law and Ed Harris in 'Enemy At The Gates' |

Jude Law played Vassili Zaitsev and Ed Harris played Major Koenig in Enemy At The Gates. Another outstanding movie
based on a real life event of two snipers opposing each other. Of course Dragon didn't make flat out reference to the
movie or actors, but this was sold as a set of two or you could buy the figures separately. Dragon changed the movie
character names to 'Mishka' and 'Kater' used on the boxes. They even changed the name 'Enemy at the Gates' to
'Duel At Stalingrad'. Of course the reason Dragon does this is to avoid paying royalties or for rights to use likenesses.
This set is a very nice one and I was glad to add it to my collection.
Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss in 'The Matrix |

The Matrix! Ah, where do I start. Obviously I love this movie. Keanu Reeves plays Neo (above his 'real'
world image, below his matrix image), Carrie-Anne Moss plays Trinity and Laurence Fishburne is Morpheus. I also have
two more figures, another Neo and Trinity in their black trench coats, but those two have yet to escape from their boxes.
There was one more figure made that I know of and I believe all the figures were made by N2 Toys. One more Neo figure
dressed in his trench coat but far better detailed and also 3 times more in cost than the versions I got from TRU. Hopefully
there will be more figures in the future. I would like to see the rest of the Nebecanezer crew and some Agents in the
future, but by the time the next movie comes out perhaps there will be whole new line of figures to go broke over.
Keanu Reeves & Laurence Fishburne in 'The Matrix' |

Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter |

"Crikey! It's Steve Irwin, mate! I know your probably saying right now, "Steve Irwin isn't a movie actor.
He's a TV Personality!", well he did do a cameo in 'Dr. Doolittle 2', so THERE!
Ok, so it's just the head, but this is a start. I got this from Target on a 'stretch Armstrong' body for about
$6.00. Of course a few months later he finally went on sale and the last time I saw him he was priced at $1.74, but
that's my luck. Getting the head off the stretch body was a pain but I did it. Now I'm looking for a good articulated
body with a skin tone close to Mr. Irwin. You would think this would be an easy kitbash but not so. Still looking
for good clothes for him and while there are lots of good khaki shirts and pants out there, the right cut and size for whatever
body I finally select will be another matter. When I finally get around to finishing this guy I'll post pics!
Chris Rock |

Chris Rock has starred in movies, been on MTV and probably just about anything else you can think of. I love this
guy. Anybody who can make me laugh this hard is ok in my book.
This is a Power Team figure from M&C Toys and while it may not have been intended to look like Chris Rock, it is
a pretty good likeness. This picture is the figure as he comes out of the box, I have not done anything to him other
than gave him the equipment he came with. I wasn't going to buy him as I don't collect modern stuff, but when I saw
Chris Rock looking back at me I just HAD to have him.
Cage, Slater and Beach in Windtalkers |

These figures are made by Dragon and are all straight out of the box. Nicolas Cage objected to his figure being
sold with toy weapons so Dragon included a 'Free Gift' pack separately with his weapons and equipment. This set is different
than any other Dragon set in that it was licensed by Mikeran so references to the movie and actors are on the packaging.
Unfortunately as you can see the likenesses are not that great. And true to form with Dragon, the allied uniforms are
not what we come to expect with their German counterparts in quality. Still I enjoyed Windtalkers despite flaws in believeability
and I am a fan of Nicholas Cage. Not to mention... I LOVE Marines!
Windtalker Headsculpts |

Steve Buscemi as Mr. Pink |

The movie was Reservoir Dogs. Steve Buscemi played Mr. Pink. This figure is made by Palisades and is one
of the Series 2 figures. It has really good articulation and the headsculpt does resemble Mr. Buscemi but it isn't a
great sculpt. The clothes are pretty loose and the stitching isn't that tight so the figure is not bad but not top quality.
He does does come with lots of cool accessories. A coffee cup, cigarette, pack of cigarettes, lighter, a really nice
but non-functional valise and a stand. Also comes with a shoulder holster rig that took a little imagination to get
on but worked. Strangely you get a holster but no weapon to put in it.
Bob Hope (if I can find where I stored him!)
Hogan's Hero's