Capistrano Island Command

History of Capistrano Island
Sector 1 - Command HQ
Sector 2 - Cove and Boat Facilities
Sector 3 - Airbase
Sector 4 - The Barracks
Sector 5 - Fire Services
Sector 6 - Bomb Disposal/Hazmat
Sector 7 - Training Facilities
Sector 8 - Tac Med Unit
Sector 9 - Armory and Quartermaster
Building a 1/6 scale Bomb Disposal Robot
Research and GI Joe Links
My ISOC Uniform Page
My ISOC Uniform Page



"FLASH 196"





I was born in 1958 in Newport Beach, California. At the time that was the closest hospital to my home in San Clemente. My parents still live in the same house and are retired, alive and well. After World War II my dad came home from Europe and picked up my Mom and two kids in Minnesota and worked his way to the West Coast. He spent some time working his way south till he settled in San Onofre on the Camp Pendleton Marine Base. There he started a flower farm and raised commercial flowers for the Los Angeles Flower Market. Around 1956 or so the Marines decided they didn't want a civilian town on their base and turned off their water supply forcing all the inhabitants to move away. My folks, now with four kids, moved into the nearby town of San Clemente and started a florist business. A couple years later I arrived on the scene.

When I am not commanding my Flash Force Command, I am a Chief Financial Officer for a Jack In The Box restaurant franchisee. Our office is located in Dana Point and my house is located in the very real city of San Juan Capistrano. The very same one with the Swallows that come back every year and provide endless target practice... I mean photo opportunities!

I started collecting RAH Joes in the early 1980's and had a sizable collection. My older daughter and I used to play for hours together and we had endless fun. Unfortunately the fun did come to an end when my marriage ended in divorce five years later. I had to part with my collection then and when my younger daughter came of age she took it over and the casualty rate soared. Only a dozen survived and most of those in pieces. I eventually gave all to a fellow RAH collector to see they got a good home and I concentrated on the 12" figures.

In 1997 I opened my first 12" figure a "Soldiers Of The World" WWII Paratrooper. I still have this figure although I have kitbashed it a bit since. Today I have over 500 Joes and some 60-70 vehicles in my collection. My daughters are grown and gone and I am trying to convert one of my bedrooms into my new Joe room.


Do you share my hobby? Have any feedback on my instructions? Want to contribute some tips of your own? I'd love to hear from you.

Just use this address to send me mail:

I'll post any useful information I receive. Don't worry, I'll be sure to to give you credit!
UPDATE  7/12/2004
Yahoo! has deactivated my account without warning.  I have contacted them and hope to get it back shortly. 
UPDATE 1/7/2005
Although I got my old email account back pretty quickly, if Yahoo! ever deactivates my account again, you can always try my alternate email address

Check this link to see our tribute to 9/11

World Trade Center/Pentagon Tribute

Click on the link below to see actual pictures from Afganistan!

Flash Force in Afganistan: Operation Enduring Freedom